Character-specific writing prompts are now available in the forum (“Dragon’s Rest”) as a writing challenge.
The blurb from the Rules of Engagement, explaining the rules of the challenge:
“Spring Character Shorts” is a writing challenge. Prompts will be posted daily throughout the second half of March 2021, though there is no deadline. This means ones a prompt is posted, you can make an attempt for it at any time.
To meet the challenge you must choose a character from any of your fandom who meets the prompt– in your opinion– and write a piece about them.
The piece should be between 1,000 to 5,000 words because this is a ‘short’ challenge. If you don’t complete the challenge or exceed the maximum word count, we are glad you found the motivation to write, but please do not post your attempt on the forum.
The first prompt to be posted is “The Tsundere.” Another trope will be posted every day until the end of March 2021. It’s open to any fandom. The first trope might be ‘anime’ related, but examples of characters who exhibit this trope can be found in all types of media.
Posting will be done directly in the forum, though you are free to post the work elsewhere when you’re finished, and link to that post in the forum response. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. We hope to see you there!
The “Timbitat” (Tim’s habitat) discord server is free to join. It’s a place where we enjoy various fandoms via writing, art, discussion and streaming.
Edit, 28 JAN 22: At this point in time, the forum is no longer being used, and while a neat idea, the challenges aren’t active.