Title: the animal in me (holds on with all its teeth)
Author: Timothy Wren
Fandom: Naruto
Relationship: Hatake Kakashi/Momochi Zabuza, various background ships due to Orgy House canon
Genre: Anime, Romance, Urban Fantasy, Modern AU
Warnings: Polyamory, Modern AU, casual sex, shapeshifters, religious references to an un-elaborated mother earth goddess, blowjob, fucking in front of other people
Word Count: 1,925 (complete)
Summary: Sakura’s one-night stand stays for breakfast and Kakashi wants a taste.
Notes: It’s Zabuza/Kakashi, with Obito/Shisui, Hashirama/Izuna, and Kisame/Genma in the background. Because Orgy House. This is one of my submissions for KakaZabu Week 2018 (I did two). It’s up on ao3 as part of a incomplete series of interconnected oneshots set in a modern AU, urban fantasy, where everyone is some variety of magical creature sharing a magically expanded apartment; in which everyone is polyamorous and nothing hurts. Now edited for tense issues.

Kakashi is picking at breakfast and scrolling through a social media app, mostly for news stories and cute dog videos, when Sakura walks into the kitchen.
He looks up—most of them do—because she really is fun to look at. Short, artfully messy pink hair that looks gorgeous against her fair skin, the same rosy color as her nipples—sadly, hidden away for now—and light-washed jeans that hug her waist.
The little top she’s wearing stops at her rib cage and the flesh of her belly is on full display. One finds themselves helplessly drawn to the band of those well-fitting jeans, the tiny sliver of black underwear visible above one of the back pockets, the belt loops that just beg for a finger to slide into and tug her close…
Kakashi isn’t the only one to look up, but it’s obvious Sakura’s going out. She’s wearing a shirt, however short. Of course, with the nature of her work, she can dress however she damn well pleases.
Sakura slides onto the bench next to Hashirama and leans across the table on her forearms, drawing him into a conversation about ley line-based wards. Their voices are animated and friendly; his ears tune out the meaning behind the human sounds.
Kakashi’s eyes slide onto the man who stumbles into the kitchen after her, looking like his world has been thoroughly rocked. He smells like some flavor of shapeshifter. Something with teeth, which makes the wolf-spirit in Kakashi perk up — but that’s not why he can’t look away, veritably trapped.
From the island bar, Obito snorts into his coffee.
If Kakashi could, he’d flip him off; as it is, he’s unable to stop staring.
The man looks a bit shell-shocked, glancing around the kitchen. Genma, predator among predators, holds up a pot of coffee with a smirky grin.
“Rough night?” He asks, and then moves the carafe in taunting circles. “It’s good for what ails you. Kisame, grab him a mug.”
Kisame, busy being king of omelets, flips some egg with a spatula and a flourish. He uses his free hand to flip up a mug from the drying rack and into his palm like a juggler. He proffers it to the newcomer, sitting on his hand like a saucer.
The guy ambles over and takes it by the handle, gently. It’s dwarfed by his hands.
Kisame looks up absently, then does a double-take.
“Hey, Zabuza!” He grins, delighted—and showing his teeth. Zabuza blinks and then squints, as though he knows more than one person with blue-tinted skin. Kisame doesn’t often force a human appearance when he’s home.
“Kisame.” Zabuza grunts, shuffling over so Genma can fill his cup. He does, bemusedly.
Zabuza takes a sniff, then a cautious sip. His eyes fly wide.
“Well that can’t be legal.” He laughs.
“Magic, not drugs. Say ‘thanks, Mother’.”
“Thanks, Mother?” Zabuza parrots, question lilting the words.
Hashirama looks over with a mega-matt smile.
“She loves Her children!” He says, entirely too bright for so early in the morning, energy-infused caffeine or not. Though granted, Kakashi figures, the man has the All-Mother’s energy running through him straight from the tap.
Zabuza stares at him. “You’re the Avatar.”
Hashirama just beams louder.
“Her will runs through me,” Hashirama agrees. When Zabuza can’t say anything else quick enough, he turns back to his conversation with Sakura.
Finished blinking at the most powerful witch on the planet, Zabuza’s eyes flit over the rest of them. Obito is drinking his coffee for the taste, like the fanfiction-writing New York hipster disaster he is, and meets Kakashi’s eyes over the rim of his cup.
He raises one brow, sips his coffee, and offers a small conspiratorial grin.
Kakashi plucks his meaning from the gesture with no effort at all, rolls his eyes.
Yes, good thing Naruto’s not here to make the unlikely collection of badasses even more impressive. Though, considering he’d come home with Sakura of all people…
Kakashi’s attention goes back to Zabuza. He’s wearing a shirt, but it’s a slip of a thing; one of those sleeveless muscle tanks that Obito loves so much. It’s tight on him, possibly one of the ones Sakura likes wearing around, oversized enough to hang off her frame and display whatever neon sports bra she’s wearing.
Now there’s an idea. Zabuza has gorgeous biceps and shoulder blades that could cut glass. The collar bone visible through what might be Sakura’s shirt is very tempting.
Izuna, half draped over Hashirama’s lap, watches them with lidded, sleepy eyes, cheek pressed into the man’s shoulder.
Shisui is half asleep on a stool next to Obito, staring sightlessly at a large open textbook.
“So,” Kakashi says, perfectly casual. “How late did you two get to bed?”
Sakura’s green eyes cut over mid-conversation. She huffs a little, but doesn’t stop her sentence.
Zabuza turns to look at Kakashi for the first time. His eyes are brown. He’s tall. Possibly even taller than Kakashi, and isn’t that exciting?
“Didn’t realize Sakura needed permission to do anything.” The man says mildly. Dangerously.
“Ha.” Genma laughs from behind him. Obito chokes into his coffee. Kakashi glares at both of them.
“Oh, that’s not why he’s asking,” Kisame chirps from his favorite stovetop. “He wants to know if you’re ready to go again.”
Zabuza looks punched-startled.
“That so?” He drawls, suddenly interested.
Kakashi sets his abandoned phone down without much fanfare. He brings his own mug up to his lips without looking away. It should be lukewarm by now, but magic is a wonderful thing. A tingly rush of energy goes right down to his toes.
If it’s a blessing from the All-Mother, there’s a strong chance it’s revitalizing in all the right ways. Even Kakashi knows it is Her preference that Her children ejaculate as often as humanly possible, something about seeding this world and all the others in the multiverse.
Hashirama is persuasive in his explanations; it’s hard not to feel the truth of it when he’s literally fucking Her approval into you.
“See that?” Obito opens his mouth to say. Kakashi’s head snaps over, ready for violence. A low growl builds in his chest. “That was his ‘let me blow you’ expression.”
“Yeah?” Laughs Zabuza, who has apparently decided they’re all highly amusing. “And what’s this one? Looks like ‘murder’.”
Obito takes in Kakashi’s face at a glance. He snickers.
“That’s Raiju for ‘if you cockblock me I’m going to eat you.’”
Of course an incubus would think he’s cute. Happy laughter fills the room. Kakashi’s going to have his teeth around his boyfriend’s throat next time they tumble into bed together.
Kakashi inhales and tastes contentment from his nearest neighbors, happiness from Obito—always welcome, no matter if he’s being a little shit—and amusement from the peanut gallery cooking by the stove.
“Well, he’s not wrong,” Kakashi shrugs one shoulder, lets want shine bare in his eyes. Zabuza shudders a little. Oh, my.
He casts silver eyes up and down the man’s frame, slides them back up to Zabuza’s eyes as a dare.
“That is, if you’re up for it.”
His internal clock says it’s still nearly an hour before Shisui’s first class. Sakura rises from the table and waves on her way out. Hashirama turns to Izuna and murmurs something, switching conversational partners easy as anything. He wiggles his fingers without looking and vines flow out of the hardwood floor, sweet-smelling and soft at Zabuza’s feet.
Kakashi rises on silent feet and stalks over, eyes lit up with challenge.
“You got a room here, raiju?” Zabuza’s voice has gone deep, fresh arousal mixing with the scent of flowers and steel, come and sex and magic lingering on his skin. He hasn’t showered yet and the floral smell from Sakura’s hair lingers all over.
“It’s Kakashi,” He says, dropping fluidly to his knees on the cushion provided. “And here is fine.”
“Here is—” Zabuza squawks, startled and interrupted as Kakashi settles hands on his hips and nuzzles right into the heat of his pants. “What!?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Genma advises, slinking over to Kisame and tugging him to a wall. Kisame flips his latest egg thing onto a plate filled with them, ready for the rest of the house to wake up, and turns off the stove. Within seconds Genma has the larger shifter crowded back and is kissing down his throat.
Hashirama runs his hands through Izuna’s hair lazily.
Obito starts purring, coffee forgotten. This is a much more filling breakfast to an incubus.
Shisui jolts awake at the sound, looking over suspiciously. Then he looks around the room.
“Did you start an orgy around me when I wasn’t paying attention again?”
“Pay more attention,” Obito grins, roguishly handsome. “And no, they started it themselves. Why do you always blame me?”
“It is literally your doing, ninety percent of the time,” Shisui defends, huffing mad and unwary to the danger as Obito focuses on him.
“Does that mean you don’t want a quick blowjob? For luck on your exam.” He leans closer, black eyes lit with sexy intent.
Kakashi ignores all of them, running nose to chin along the hardening cock in front of him. The bundle of smells is, frankly, mouthwatering.
Zabuza finishes looking around in disbelief and tilts his head back, laughing for real. His hands slip into Kakashi’s hair as joy replaces surprise in his scent palette.
It makes it better. Kakashi moans into the fabric of his pants, tracing the outline as best he can with his lips. Cloth dilutes the taste but it’s there, heady and delicious.
Kakashi sucks a little, just to make it wetter and make the tastesmell more pronounced. He pants, open-mouthed.
Above him, Zabuza groans.
Somewhere, Shisui sucks in a gasp that stutters into high, anxious laughter, and Obito hums playfully. No sound or scent is out of place.
Zabuza tightens his fingers around white strands, then lets go with one hand. Kakashi would have whined, but the hand only moves a few inches away, sliding along Kakashi’s own hip to move his sweats out of the way. His palm brushes Kakashi’s knuckles to do it, pressing down the waistband without pause, and that is certainly to the good.
It ought to be rewarded, in fact. Kakashi moves both hands to help and is gratified to find that Zabuza wears nothing underneath, band of his pants slipping over his bare cock and letting it bob back up without any further hindrance.
Kakashi leans his entire face into the smell and the warmth, rubbing his cheek along the shaft.
Zabuza wraps his free hand back in Kakashi’s hair, tipping his chin back with the grip so he can grind into it a little.
“Oh, that’s nice.” He says, brown eyes appreciative. Kakashi hums. Zabuza shifts his grip until he can press his thumb into the corner of Kakashi’s jaw, a little, prompt him to open his mouth.
Kakashi doesn’t need to be told twice.
Zabuza slides forward into soft warmth and meets zero resistance.
“Fuck, I owe that girl a lot.” He manages, stifling his hips so he doesn’t jerk forward. He contains it to a shallow thrust instead, moaning at the way his head skips along Kakashi’s tongue. Kakashi flattens it to get more of the taste.
Kakashi strengthens his grip on those sexy, sexy hips and uses them to yank Zabuza closer, enjoys the slide over his taste-buds with a little shiver of delight, and buries his nose into soft black curls. He inhales, the scent dizzying, and sets to work.
He makes a mental note to thank Sakura, sometime. They are totally keeping this one.