Lisa Wilbourn | Tattletale
She’s going through Alec’s jewelry looking for something to match her new top, fingering idly through bracelets, piercings, and a few draping necklaces.
“Hey, Alec, can I wear these clip-ons?” She shouted, voice carrying to the living room.
A surprisingly loud crashing sound followed, then a sharp curse. Finally footsteps and a flustered Alec in the doorway of his own room, hair a bit mussed.
“Not gonna lie and say I expected that from you, Lise, but yeah, if you want.” He was surprisingly breathless, rarely this affected by anything, and then blue eyes fell on the sapphire and gold earrings Lisa was holding up between two fingers.
“Oh.” He blinked. “You said clip-ons.”
A weighty silence.
Then they spoke at the same time:
“Alec, do you have a strap-on somewhere in here?” and “Look, don’t make a big deal out of it,” tangling for which was spoken first.
Despite his words he wasn’t actually blushing or anything and Lisa knew that was mostly due to to his inability to feel or display emotions as deeply as other people.
He laughed, leaning against his door frame.
“Maybe.” The slightest of smirks, a lightly raised brow. “Why, are you interested?”
Despite his flawless poker face Alec has ways of exaggerating motions and small quirks to express himself when he wants, especially obvious if you happen to be an expert at cold reading.
Lisa squinted at him.
“Nah, I don’t think you have one.” She didn’t flip her power on, letting amusement settle on her mouth. “You’re way too calm about it.”
“You’re the one who offered to fuck me out of the blue.” Alec blew a curl out of his face.
“I asked about earrings!” Lisa laughed, setting them down. “Earrings! Clip-on earrings.”
“Sure, sure. I think you were testing the waters. Plausible deniability and all that.” His face was flat but his eyes glittered a bit, unmistakable and lending a playful air to his body language.
“Why would I think you have a—a strap-on?” Lisa managed, her own eyes lit up with reluctant amusement. “Most guys don’t even know what those are. Maybe see them in lesbian porn.”
“Mhm.” Drawing it out, skeptical.
“I wasn’t asking to wear your nonexistant strap-on!” Lisa laughed despite herself and the exasperation.
“You wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.” Alec memed at her. “I know, I’m that hot. Irresistible, really.”
Lisa flushed.
“Don’t be stupid.” She said. “The earrings. Yes or no?”
“Will you be wearing them with the strap? And nothing else?” He leered.
“Does the hypothetical strap-on even match?”
For some reason her heart was beating fast. She’d never even really thought about it, obviously. What kind of guy even wanted—she knew it was a relatively popular thing in certain circles, but Lisa’s knowledge of sexual anything was purposefully curtailed to what she couldn’t avoid learning about.
The disgusting sex lives of people she (reluctantly) saw with her power, or strangers on the internet, seem far removed from the boy in front of her, playfully suggesting what most men would be offended about a woman even hinting at.
She kept a very careful clamp on her power.
“Lis, if you want to look, it’s—Wait, nevermind.” The confident voice cut off. He hesitated briefly before entering the room himself, walking over to the chest of drawers.
“Did you almost send me looking through your sex toy collection?” She asked, fighting the temptation to look over his shoulder. She was still pretty sure he’s bluffing.
It was obvious, right? Like, of course he had to be.
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to.” Alec threw a grin over his shoulder, before bringing up a mass of thin black strips about an inch thick, hanging from one pale finger.
With the other hand he shut the drawer subtly and Lisa kind of wondered what else was hiding in there.
“The dildo is regular colored, sadly.” Alec wrapped a strap around his hand, preventing it from dangling freely. “So no, it doesn’t match those earrings. I mean, you can still borrow them, I guess.”
Eyes meeting hers like a dare, but also touching on bored. Then, he amended: “Regular colored for a white guy, anyway. Most dildos come in this color. Or bright purple. There’s surprisingly little in-between.”
“Why do you have that?” Lisa found herself asking, a little breathless as she pulled her eyes away from the surprisingly modest cock sticking out of the black fabric.
“… Is that a joke?” He squinted at her a little and she flushed hot.
“Come on, why do you have it, really?” She fought the urge to peak with her power but… honestly she wasn’t sure she can handle it, if it said… certain things.
She was nearly squirming already, as strange as it was.
“Lisa. Ma minou. It’s so pretty girls can fuck me in the ass.”
His tone said obviously and it’s not exactly rocket science and his expression was worried the Thinker 7 was either unwell or being thick on purpose.
Lisa swallowed.
“I see.” She managed, feeling dizzy. Damn.
“Shit, do you need to sit down?” Alec sounded actually concerned. “I wasn’t trying to fuck with you, why are you being so weird?”
Alarm was faint under his voice, which for Alec was somewhere between shouting and panic.
“Jeeze, Alec, it’s not like I expected to learn all this today.” She gestured at the thing he’s holding. “It’s a bit shocking.”
“It’s really not.” Frowning, Alec dropped the offending item onto his dresser. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
Leery, he stepped closer, back of his hand cool on Lisa’s forehead.
“You’re a little warm.”
Lisa made a strangled noise.
“You just suggested you like—that you’ve—a rock would be hot from that, Alec.”
He laughed.
“Wow, thanks I guess?” Intent blue eyes on her, before his head tilted slightly. “Are you that flustered just thinking about it?”
Curious, voice low, and Lisa didn’t know what came over her that she actually nodded.
The best thing to do would be deny, deny, deny—and maybe run away, pretend this never happened, but.
She thought she’d look really, really good with those black strips running up and down her legs, framing her ass, her thighs.
It must show on her face because Alec’s surprise melted into something low and hot.
“You want to try it on?” He purred.
She nodded.
“Okay, come here.” Alec had a silly grin as he snagged the mess of fabric and settled on his knees, impatiently tugging at her jeans.
“Is this good? You’re not gonna hold it against me later?” He sounded suspicious even as her hands helped, unbuttoning her jeans herself because if he did it she’d scream, and pushing fabric out of the way.
“Can I leave my underwear on?” She bit her lip, wondering how it worked, wondering why she wasn’t more freaked out by Alec’s curls eye-level with her comfy black panties.
“You can do whatever you want, forever.” Alec said flippantly, causing her to snort, and she’d do more except her hands were sliding onto his shoulders, feeling dainty and ethereal as her bare feet touched the ground.
Nudging first one foot up and then the other, Alec slid the straps over her ankles and then up her calves. Lisa gasped faintly as the loose rigging reached her hips.
“Lift your shirt a little.” Alec said absently, arranging them, and Lisa huffed.
“What, want me to flash you?” She asks.
“Just move it out of the way, bebête.” His hands slid around her legs, mostly adjusting the straps and not meant to be sexy. She bit her lip. “Unless you want to, I guess?”
“Damn, don’t sound too excited.”
“It does get rather boring after a while, Lis.”
“What, tits?” Lisa blinks down at him.
“Tits, pussy, sex, in general. Dicks, god, dicks get so boring. If you’ve sucked one dick, you’ve sucked a hundred.”
“I’ve never.” Lisa said, somewhat thankful. Yuck, a hundred? Somehow she didn’t think he was exaggerating, which was…
“Lucky you.” Alec grinned up at her. “Okay, the straps are in place, but loose for now. Let me know if it’s too tight, yeah?”
She curled a hand in his hair before she could think better of it, earning a pleased hum.
“If all that’s boring, why isn’t this?”
“Hmm?” A pull, hands tugging almost hard enough to take her off her feet, lucky she has hands in his hair and on his shoulder to stabilize. “How’s this?”
“It’s good. Why isn’t this boring? Too niche?”
“Nah, I’ve done it before. It’s not boring because it’s…” He trailed off uncharacteristically, and Lisa was about to press before the eyes skirting away jumped back to her, something almost boyish coming over his expression. “Is it weird to say I’ve never done this with someone I like? Embarrassing, right?”
Sad. It’s really fucking sad to hear, actually, and Lisa tries to keep that out of her expression, sensing with his huff at himself that it’s not the place. It won’t be appreciated.
Worse, he doesn’t even mean romantically, just someone he finds even remotely tolerable. A friend. Lisa’s throat closes before she coughs discreetly.
“Damn, that sounds miserable.” She responds, scraping nails against his scalp softly. “I mean, I’d say I can’t imagine having sex with assholes but look who I’m shacking up with.”
Alec laughs, bright and caught off-guard. He hears what she’s not outright saying.
I like you too, asshole.
“Considering the end goal of this,” Alec grips the toy, sitting snug all at once and feeling shockingly like her cock, “I could make a comment about having sex with assholes.”
Unwillingly, Lisa snorted loud, bringing up a hand to cover her mouth, the other staying in his hair. She wobbled from the lack of support and his free hand found her hip, stabilizing.
The other stroked slowly up and down the toy and—wow. That sure was something. All of a sudden it was settled at the base of her mons and the straps were all tight, and Alec was on his knees looking up at her with heated blue eyes.
“Yeah, that’s the end goal.” Lisa murmured. “But for now?”
She carded through his hair again and he swayed, leaning closer, mouth a little open. A full body shiver came over him.
“Yeah, okay.”
Alec pressed a kiss to the silicone and Lisa shivered hard.