no race to be won

Title: no race to be won
Author: Timothy Wren
Fandom: Worm (Parahumans Series by Wildbow)
Relationship: Alec/Taylor Hebert/Brian Laborn/Rachel Lindt/Lisa Wilbourn
Word Count: 5,939 (Complete)
Genre: Getting together, first time, polymory, sex pollen
Warnings: Alec-typical background references (vague mentions of his upbringing which involved a lot of noncon, and stuff he did as Hijack)
Summary: The new Ward has a sex pollen power. It hits Alec and his teammates help him through it.

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All Eyes on Me

Complete, 2172 words, unedited. Early access because I haven’t put it on ao3 yet. It’s my “praise kink” kinktober prompt fill. Featuring the same not-omegaverse “team hole” set up as “taking two for the team” (tldr every shinobi team has one (1) designated member who acts as a free-use teammate they can have sex with whenever they want. aka team hole, aka sex universe, aka Sasuke’s pretty pussy is state mandated). Ages not specified but they’re at a chunin exams at least. Their first? Their fifth? Who knows! Also it’s praise but it’s also degradation soooo.– “Oh, fuck, I needed this.” “Idiot.”…

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Magical Girl Sakura

Sakura finds a half-buried necklace. She would have ignored it as a mere curiosity if it didn’t have a pendant, a shiny pink stone that caught the light unlike any piece of jewelry she’d ever seen. Investigating closer, she saw it was old. Her slippers slid a little on the rock. She didn’t want to get too close. Sakura and her family were on a vacation, Sakura herself given a small break between years of study at the Konoha shinobi academy. Only the really rich went on far-off journeys, what with bandits and ninja and everything, so they were still…

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Is the slime mind-whammying him or does someone holding him down and licking into his mouth activate animalistic Hatake fucking instincts? You decide. – Lightning chirps in his hand, a familiar friend except for how it’s not. For every time it’s saved a comrade, chidori is a cruel comfort. It’s stress and sweaty panic, urgency in a cupped palm, it’s too-late and any pride he’d felt in its creation had faded with the light in Rin’s eyes, reflecting blue-white sparks. (And nevermind that he’d been so horrifically relieved to have it, then, the perfect assassination tool, sick and relieved, horrified…

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2023 in Review

The year is over! It… really doesn’t feel like it. It feels like very shortly I was deciding what fics to put up for Evil Author Day (Feb 15th) and it’s already almost February again! I haven’t written very much this year. Specifically, I spent last year (January 1st through March) writing hundreds of words a day for my 2023 Quantum Bang project, the first time I’ve written a novel in one ‘sitting’, the first time I’ve broken 50k, and the first time I’ve completed a 50k challenge. It felt like it wiped me out a bit, writing-wise. The constant…

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Title: Catalyst
Author: Timothy Wren
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Relationships: Lovesquare, but pre-relationship
Genre: Anime, Romance, Superheroes
Notes/Warnings:  Pre-relationship, pre identity-reveal, Whumptober so some temporary injury is to be expected, Kwami swap! (temporary), Original Akumas
Word Count: 3242/?
Summary: It was roughly two hours– two hours, two Cataclysms and one spent lucky-charm– into the fight that Adrien knew he’d fucked up.

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Title: Azadi
Author: Timothy Wren
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Relationship: Edward Elric/Roy Mustang
Warnings: Age difference, unmentioned, and everyone is a consenting 20+ adult in this; smut
Word Count: 2,196 (complete)
Summary: It’s not how it begins, of course, but somewhere in the middle of the night, in the middle of the year, in the middle of the relatively calmer part of their lives, there is this:

Roy, gasping: "Fullmetal–"

"I’ve been Ed to you for years, Roy." As he slides his automail leg against Roy’s thigh. "Or is there something you want to tell me?"

Fullmetal was dangerous, a force of nature, but Ed evokes a terrifying cacophony of warm emotions in Roy’s chest, fondness and exasperation and some measure of awe, and comradery, of intellectual challenge and a measure of truly equal partnership that Roy never imagined having, comfort in his own home and his own skin, and all told Fullmetal’s the safer option.

"You’ve caught me out." He gasps, fingers curling in the sheets. "I’m just with you for the automail."

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